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Friday, May 13, 2011

A Busy Week At Dental School!

You may have seen a typical dental school schedule or been given a summary of what a week of dental school is like but now you get to see how much material is tested over during an exam. This coming week I have 2 major tests. Some of my classmates have 3 because of an additional caries risk test (mine is the next tuesday). Nonetheless it is a busy and stressful week for the entire class. About 2-3 weeks ago we had a test that involved over 20 power points with a grand total of 1,200+ slides. I did not count the slides for this exam but it is a lot (don't forget all the reading)
Exam 3 (Single Tooth Indirect)

Monday, May 16th

Book Readings

Dental Luting Cements
O'Brien: 134-149
Sturdevant: 224-228

O'Brien: 253-256

Gold Onlay
Sturdevant:872-76; 885-890

Casting Failures
O'Brien: 250

Resin Inlay Restorations
Sturdevant:228-31; 614-21

Gold Foil
Sturdevant: 919-926

Porcelain Laminate Veneers
Sturdevant: 648-50; 658-662

Manual Readings

Soldering a contact point: 383-384
Gold Onlay: 349-355
Resin Inlay Restorations: 341-343
Gold Foil: 402-413
Porcelain Laminate Veneers: 401


Gold Onlay
Resin Inlay Restoration (2 parts)
Gold Foil
Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Online Lectures

Dental Luting Cements
Casting Failures

The following is for the Triweekly which includes all classes except for our lab class.

Exam 7
Friday, May 20th
I. Cardiovascualr Conditions of Concern to the Dental Professional Part I/II-Schaaf
II. Electrocardio - Gould
III. Myocardial Tissue - Gould
IV. Vascular Physiology Part I/II - Miller
V. Diseases of the Myocardium, Pericardium, and Aorta - Schaaf

I.Embryology Intro-Babler
II. Embryology Foregut-Babler
III. Embryology Midgut - Babler
IV. Embryology Hindgut - Babler
V. Anatomy-Babler
VI. Histology-Babler
VII. Physiology-Herring
VIII. GI Pharmacology (monday?)

I. Intro to Radiology - Van Dis
II. Technology Based Caries Detection Methods - Ando
III. Caries Classification - zandona
A total of 18 power points for this test. If you add the two tests together there is a total of 25 power points being tested over this week. That is a lot of material! I am sure I will survive but there are going to be a lot of late nights starting... now.


letter of motivation mba said...

These recommendation letter "power phrases" are grouped into three major categories: opening statements, assessment statements, and closing statements.

Allen jeley said...

Well post its tell us how to study in school and how to busy your life in study thanks for sharing rephrasing .

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